The Bird River, between Snowshoe and Chase lakes, is a mini "deliverance" run. There are six water obstacles in that stretch of the river. Refer to the map. Upstream travel from Snowshoe Lake is the perspective for left and right information about portage landings.

Obstacle #1: A short rock garden rapid.

The rapid is not runnable. There are two portages: a very old one and a fairly recent one. The old portage begins on the left side close to the bottom of the rapid. It can be used in low water conditions but it is unsafe in high water conditions. The newer portage is on the right side and begins in a tuck-in near the bottom of the rapid. The portage is about 40 metres long.

Obstacle #2: A very short drop off chute in a narrows.

The drop off can be run in medium to high water conditions. In low water conditions, you are likely to bounce the back end of the canoe on the underwater rock shelf. The chute can be lined.

Obstacle #3: A long canyon with rapids and falls in it

This stretch is not runnable nor lineable.

The portage is about 400 metres long and an easy walk. The downstream landing begins in a muddy tuck-in on the left. The upstream landing is close to the start of the canyon. Depending on water levels, loading and unloading the canoe can be a bit of a pain at the upstream end.

Obstacle #4: A S-shaped short rapid with a chute at the upstream end

This stretch is not runnable. It can be lined in low water conditions.

The downstream portage landing is on the left and a 20 metre walk. The upstream landing is in a marshy tuck-in. From there, you paddle across the top of the rapid and through a short chute to reach quiet waters. In low to medium water conditions, this is not difficult. In high water conditions, you have to hug the marshy shoreline to prevent from being pulled downstream into the rapid.

Obstacle #5: An island portage with a rapid on the left and a fall/rapid on the right

This obstacle cannot be run. There is a possibility of lining the left side in low water conditions.

The downstream landing is at the end of the island near a low rock shelf. The trail is about 40 metres long. The upstream landing is at the top of the island with a gently sloping rock shelf into water. This is my favourite portage on the Bird. I often linger at the upstream end to daydream.

Obstacle #6: A rapid just before Chase Lake

The rapid is not runnable (too much of a rock garden). It might be lineable in medium water conditions.

The downstream landing is on the right. The trail is 50 metres long.

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